Youth Services
Recognising the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities.
Youth Exchange Program
This provides secondary school students aged 15 - 17 with an opportunity to live and study abroad with host families for one academic year, to learn a new language, a new way of living and a great deal about themselves. Exchange students are part of an ambassadorial team of Rotary International, promoting international goodwill, peace and understanding.
The year long programme provides an opportunity for selected students to live and study in an overseas country while living with approved families.
There is a two-stage interview process and students are allocated to a country according to availability and suitability. The selection is followed by an orientation programme to prepare students and families for the experience.
For the 2017/18 Rotary year, the Club is hosting a student from France, Emma who is from near Lille, which is very different to Healesville. During 2018, the club has sponsored a Healesville High School student, Alex to have his exchange year in Germany
Lord & Lady Somer's Camps
The camps focus on bringing together youths from various backgrounds and challenging them to develop their personal and leadership skills and team building . Each camp runs for 1 week and caters for boys and girls aged between 16 - 18 years.
The aim of the Lord and Lady Somers camps is always to strive to achieve cultural diversity by selecting a cross section of young people that is most representative of the current Australian population in ethnic and socio economic terms.
After each camp, the participants come back to the Club to tell members what they have learned from their experiences at the camp.
Youth Services also offers many more opportunities for our younger members of the community.
Including sponsorship for, but not limited to:
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN), Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA). Camp Awakening, Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA), Nat. Youth Science Forum
4-Way Test Speech Contest, Primary Schools Speech Contest, Imagination Library, Primary School Numeracy Resources, Kinderlink Inc - Educational Equipment and Resources, Special Projects & more.